12412 Ventura Blvd, Suite #1, Studio City, CA
(818) 763-1444

Dental fillings


High-quality fillings for tooth integrity.

(818) 763-1444
Dental fillings

About the treatment

Dental fillings

Studio City Dental Fillings Services

Concierge Dentistry from Our Los Angeles Dentist

When cavities and decay cause a tooth to lose structure, dental fillings are used to fill and restore the structure and function of the tooth. This is a solution that can help prevent the need for root canal treatment, as well as gum disease.

When performing teeth fillings in Studio City, our reputable dental team follows these careful procedures:

  • First, we remove the decayed material from your teeth
  • We then clean the affected area
  • The cleaned out cavity is filled with materials such as gold, porcelain, or amalgam

There’s no one type of filling that’s best for everyone. What’s right for you depends on the degree of the repair needed, your allergenic reactions to certain materials, and where the procedure is needed.

Our experienced and compassionate dental team can help you determine the state of your oral health. Call to speak with our esteemed dental team!

Using the Safest & Most Natural Materials

Whether Alex or our dental hygienists have found a new dental cavity during thorough, routine dental cleanings and examinations, or whether you have old ones that you need or want to have replaced, we’re proud to make use of the latest and safest materials. Not only that, but we also put priority in making available techniques for healthy, mercury-free and tooth-colored fillings that retain their natural look for years.

Taking Care of Your Outdated Fillings

Concern about mercury in older fillings is a reason to replace them urgently, and our Studio City dentist offers ones that are mercury-free and discretely white in color (tooth colored composite). They’re also far safer and more reliable than silver fillings since they don’t contain harmful metal and consist of durable biologically compatible synthetic resins.

The Benefits of Our Advanced Dental Technology

In addition to regular fillings, inlays and onlays are also available. Inlays and onlays restore and reconstruct decayed or damaged rear teeth and, like composite fillings, they’re custom-made of synthetic resins that exactly match the color and appearance of each patient’s natural teeth, which can help you maintain your dental hygiene.

Our prestigious dental team recommends inlays and onlays as an alternative to crowns or bridges for rear teeth as well as in situations where damage or decay have not progressed to the point that a crown or bridge is necessary. No matter what your case is, we’re confident that we can help you improve your smile and oral health!

Get Started Now

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